

Semi-Hiatus atm, will try to get back soon

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Just sharing my new Idol OCs :)
Honestly idk why I even made them lel

0 5

Sometimes I do feel this way...

1 4

done this months ago but I want to post here too lmao https://t.co/mGXY8T9bX2

0 2

Random sk8 comics again! I had fun finishing these ngl~

15 26



Some random Edenshipping comics~
They're not connected with each other but some are references to older stuff I made

21 49

What if Ainosuke's aunts weren't terrible

6 21

Redrawing an 11 year old OC
His name is Mitsuru, based on what I put in one of his sheets lmao I think I have a total of 3 OCs with that name ahaha~

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