

/ 30 year old dumbass / Tuatara Vtuber / 💍 to @bd_vibes / He\Him / 🇳🇿 / Vtube model by @Prince_Youlou

フォロー数:854 フォロワー数:1124

Me and Natalie have been sitting in this car for over an hour now in the hot fucking sun waiting to board the picton ferry to go home.
This is fucking ridiculous.

1 27

I also own this now.

0 5

Holy shit they deleted the tweet

0 4


0 4

Jesus, the people in those fucking comments

0 5

Wedding rehersal is tomorrow.
Watch me forget everything when the big day actually happens.
Good night friends

0 37

Yeah, nah.
Don't follow me if you look like this, aye? The fuck, cunt?

0 20