( ´ ▽ ` )ノさんのプロフィール画像

( ´ ▽ ` )ノさんのイラストまとめ

I promise not to post bad puns

フォロー数:273 フォロワー数:1526

nah i'm just kidding. Sometimes I use outdated $50 software

0 5

Pretty sure I've drawn more dicks than boobs these last two weeks. No homo.

0 7

nah, i'm just kidding. Sempais are all cool cats. Way too cool to ever notice me.

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to new artists: be wary of sleezeball sempais. Dun worry, I'm cool.

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the sunburn strip: mark of a warrior making the sacrifice

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courtesy of /a/'s drawthread.

0 10

I hope you were brave, girls.

0 5

Spent a good portion of my day cleaning the apartment. Really I was just wishing I had a maid to boss me around.

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I don't think this one works. Maybe I'm trying too hard to push the sneakers with thigh highs.

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