

Once @streamraiders' overrated fan artist, is now just a regular Joe Schmoe who posts randomly on twitter from time to time because he finds it fun sometimes.

フォロー数:884 フォロワー数:172

I also apparently made alot of gooses and coffee once

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Headpats for ALL twitch mods out there, no matter what happens in the streams you guys are always trying to help..
# this sounded less cheesy in my head now that I am writing this lmao

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i made 13 drawings for 's skin a thon today... so here is all of them... so here is my 4 part tweet of all of them 😅

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today is October 7th! which means it is stream raiders birthday :D
so i made this little drawing because of that...
so happy birthday

1 13

final skin drawing schedule is a drawing of his buster.. aka, the poppy bucket! :D

this will be the last drawing that i have planned... if i make more skins then it will be when i wake up!

i hope you have a nice skin a thon proto!!

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here another drawing i made for skin a thon!!
its there berserker skin! also known as "Ding Mong Kun on Fire" skin!

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so hopefully i scheduled this tweet properly so that it starts at
's skin a thon

so here is the first drawing ! there Lifesaver King Froggy (aka the healer skin) :D

(edit: i miss scheduled it lmao)

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