

She/her 28, Asexual/Demiromantic, Likes: Robots, monsters and occasionally nsfw, Icon art is by @KuroLee97

フォロー数:151 フォロワー数:190

Patrick is me at all of them right before most of them beat me up

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Made myself as a hollow knight vessel from picrew ^_^

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Dnd character vs. player

One is pure gay chaos, one is a murder hobo pan snake, and the last is a soft but naive robo woman

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Trying to keep my mind busy so I drew Echos and Yard in their wedding outfits

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My spacey space boy Omin
One of his more...easier forms to look at

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Echos and Yard aka big dumb lovestruck demon man and scary in love smart robot lady

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I made 4 more of my dnd characters:
Sordell, Sticks, Yard, Nocturna ^_^

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Can’t sleep so made my dnd characters in picrew after I saw my friend do it XD
Omin, Echos, Curtana, Set

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Family picture of my warforged Curtana and her brother Sticks and sister Echos

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