✦ prinny 💀👻 ✦ they/them only!さんのプロフィール画像

✦ prinny 💀👻 ✦ they/them only!さんのイラストまとめ

#vartist ✦ 25↑ ✦ agender🏳️‍⚧️ ✦ 🇵🇭🇵🇷 ✦ INFP-T ✦ ⚠️ do not use my art ⚠️ ✦ multifandom ✦ Twitch Affiliate ✦ i draw mostly ocs ✦ small artist ✦ #prinPAINts

フォロー数:1457 フォロワー数:2347

Needed a new icon so I practiced 1 layer painting and then threw some boke on it 💖

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And full renders of some OCs for an art rp group I’m in on dA

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Some other stuff/wips I’ve done this year but don’t share

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Finally tried out AnimeEffects! Not bad for my first time, I'd say. Featuring my oc, Faust

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I designed an Agent 4 finally. His name is Trench, he's 20 and he's a big ole flirty dumbass who manages to stay positive even in the toughest situations~

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My His name is Cerulean and he’s pretty quiet. He just wants to do his tasks and keep his friends alive. As an impostor, he’s a shady vent killer who turns off the lights and locks you in every room if he can. Also watches cams from time to time.

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Doodled Halo-Halo the other night as a hoomin to wind down from some commission work and while I’m not entirely happy w it, there are some things I like, like how I coloured his hair ;7;

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I woke up at 2 am to draw my son, Lio Fotia from memory and then went back to sleep

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Some recent commissions for friends (1/?)

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