

jones ★ cactus prinxe over at

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you know what disney movies are missing these days? side characters who are definitely gay married

110 579

there's some more i dont like but these are probably some incredible contenders. also goes without saying the genies. just. nightmare creatures. a lot of legendaries/mythicals i find very boring

0 6

i like a lot more pokemon than just This but i think this is a solid collection. i like weird guys

0 9

have you heard about the kickstarter? if I don't get to see Them together again, I'm going to make it everyone's problem

8 65

(three years after inventing her voice) it's time to finally learn to draw sphinx cats.

including can opener's shade form from an au jovi and i kicked around. it's off the table canonically but im still gonna think about my little meow meow's corruption arc

5 21

(bluey voice) bingaur!

30 94

i have commissions to finish this week and im trying to remember how to fucking ink. i used to be good at this.

11 47

quickly drew up my dnd character's new fit. she has a cathartic chapter in her story she's wrapped up so she gets to be a little more of her pre-depression self. lots of colors, wearing trinkets she got from a colleague and friend, etc.

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