

SF9 paid contents only ㅡ this is a secret Bubble account, do not put # or @ okay? love you❤️ ㅡ 💫 let's meet on the other side of universe at @privfrommsf9 🌙

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:7542

🌞21.09.10 7.13AM KST📲

- hello👋
- it's the last day of the week
- me too am eating an apple while going to work
- it's a mini apple, cute isn't it
- 😌🍎
- i fell asleep in the car ㅠ
- fighting for today too!! (아자자)
- y/n hwaiting!!!

59 314

🔝21.09.05 11.20PM KST📸

- i'm bored it's driving me crazy
- is it burdening you? (Are you embarassed?)
- 힝구...
- the sticker is full of sense right

301 974

🌞21.08.30 9.09AM KST📲

- fighting for monday
- straighten up your back ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- i can see it all
- i will also go to work & feel energetic while thinking of y/n!
- i danced a bit yesterday & my body kind of hurts. While warming up myself it (my body) kind of stopped

65 283

🔝21.08.30 3.55AM KST📲

- anyone still not asleep
- tomorrow is konday but everyone is still awakeㅎ
- what's this what's this the person in the company now is the president or the vice president!
- ha the night went by so fast

78 377

😇5.39PM KST📸

- this was taken by 🌞 hyung
- this hyung's skill in taking pictures has improved a lot

91 382

😇10.14PM KST📲

- i don't think i can talk about that to the hyungs even if i die for it
- i really hope sf9 🍀🌰🐣👅🐭🦁🌞🔝can stay healthy forever. I love you
- as we will work even harder to shine more in the future so do not worry!!
- aa it might sounds a bit cringey though

238 635

😇 10.13PM KST📸

- goodnight!!
- bbwam
- later do take a look at pictures on instagram too!ㅎㅎ

37 205

😇 21.06.09 4.46PM KST 📲

- i came here to fish

62 332