

gabby | he/him | 26 | hello girls gays and coleman

フォロー数:533 フォロワー数:87

i think these are genuinely pretty good looks for her! her palettes a little hard to work with, and i def get it if you dont want to change her breed ^^;

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commissioned this from for !!!! LOOK AT HOW FUCKGIN CUTE KAZUMA IS HRHGSHDVJG

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some cat forms i drew ln of my baby girl

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never posted this did i 🤔 well heres my astral chain officer! his name is ryo and he has a very very early form of a legion... wonder how he got that huh?

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just been trying to get back into drawing the past few days n get used to the ipad, but i rly love it so far 😌

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only one fav fire type outta this whole thing 😔 sorry fire types but ur not rly my Things
notably most of my fav starters were my first for that gen lol, minus fennekin and totodile

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i became a cool witch that has space and time to process trauma(tm)

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2010 - 2011 - 2015 - 2019
since 2015 there have been long gaps in my art... but im still happy!

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