

ENTJ-A(commander) | 🎓香港人HK 百周PLKCLSCMC (grad) | 📚台灣留學TW 雲科數媒Yuntech NYUST DMD | 喜歡的愛人隔著海 | GameDev Generalist / Designer / Hobbyist Composer

フォロー数:1010 フォロワー数:557

[雪孩子 Snowboo]
A cute little daughter who was born from Mr Gin’s experiment, strong in strength and can't take any warm or hot food.

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[姜法師 Mr Gin]
A ginger man biscuit who is a wizard can use magic through the cane candy wand.

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[禮物四散 Finda gifts]
Oh no! Santa Claus falled into Pacific Ocean during his delivery! This may make him lose his job!

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[聖誕托車 Cart]
A cart specially crafted from the Santa Village, each of them can communicate in special language after educated and training.

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"兔子 rabbit"
Rabbits are bouncing on the starry night in dreams.

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"桃與鶴 peach & crane"
桃(aka. 壽桃)和仙鶴(aka.丹頂鶴)都有長壽吉祥的寓意。
peach and crane are meaning long-life and good fortune.

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"咖啡 coffee"
When you are tired, come to sit down, take a coffee, and have a rest.

Keep breathing!

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"寄居蟹 hermit crab"
The shell is their casual home on sand

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