PromptHero - Stable Diffusion, GPT & Midjourneyさんのプロフィール画像

PromptHero - Stable Diffusion, GPT & Midjourneyさんのイラストまとめ

The best prompts for AI generated art & text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion or Midjourney.

🤖 Teaching you how to speak with Artificial Intelligences.

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:11324

Stable Diffusion prompt: a portrait of bio - luminescent beautiful demon queen in deep, black darkness, shining eyes, neon colors, illustration, dramatic lighting, soft details, painting oil o...

2 15

Stable Diffusion prompt: goddess close-up portrait ribcagel. jellyfish phoenix head, nautilus, orchid, skull, betta fish, bioluminiscent creatures, intricate artwork by Tooth Wu and wlop and b...

0 4

Stable Diffusion prompt: raytraced render and digital painting of humans transforming into ethereal modest biological gods wearing cosmos as clothing and holding holy symbols, by greg rutkowsk...

1 5

Midjourney prompt: rough ocean storm atmospheric, hyper realistic, 8k, epic composition, cinematic, octane render, artstation landscape vista photography by Carr Clifton & Galen Rowell, ...

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Midjourney prompt: Amusement park roller coaster ride, expressive gouache illustration, thrilling speed --ar 2:3 --test

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bioluminescent cyberpunk jellyfish, deep sea diver, extreme light, distant cyberpunk atlantis, organic, bio domes, coral, deep ocean, robotic, mariana trench midnight ...

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