

🎶 I hear you, callin' me... I wanna wad you up into my life 🎶 | 30 | they/it | nsfw | pfp:me | bg:@hecksnek | acab

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:15941

beautiful zahr

41 175

comm prev 👀

0 16

june and cassidy, relaxin

84 383

lets go sunnin', June

65 261

June 🥴

104 357

off-season kasper

64 264

*seb posting on craigslist* WANTED: Full time professional in-home caregiver to prepare meals and occasionally assist my giant growing boyfriend who has become too muscular to change shirts. eats ~10kcal a day. $20 an hour. respond below.

22 148