

SFW (with occassional blood) . NO AI! DM for Art Comm inquiry or fill form forms.gle/Vqr9cxoMZ6x3LW… See my carrd on link below.

フォロー数:581 フォロワー数:547

TerPEkA (literally ini cerita jadi 1000x deeper and mooore intricate than I first experienced it 😭)

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terpicik sodara sodari 👏

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Tried to make RED CONNOR. Machine connor. Based on 's 2nd gameplay. ❤❤. Such a rough sketch tho 😅

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Arguably my favorite line from the entire game. I absolutely love how you potray mean Connor. lol ❤❤

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Congratulations quantic dream. You created a character I am weakest against. I fell hard and fast since scene 1. :'

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Miria in the dark I dont even knoe just trying out colors haha......

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A commission to make: "Shinsha smiling in happiness." Really glad with how it turned out!

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