

new acct: @hizurida

フォロー数:1956 フォロワー数:15145

Happy April Fools! Apparently in France there's April Fools tradition where you try to stick fish onto each other? So I drew lalas having fun(?) with some fish.
최근에 프랑스에선 만우절 때 생선을 서로 붙히려는 전통이 있다고 들어서 라라펠로 그려봄 ㅎ

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Actually drawing something on the day~ Happy Valentione with Emet Selch!

되다만 것들을 위해서 에멧 영강님이 손수 초코를 준비하심

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Finally uploading the full version! Secret Santa gift for :) Hope you like the sexy Christmas waifu Mercedes from FE3H

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shameless reupload.... I just wish there was more of this dynamic in the game! Happy Halloween fellow Warriors of Light.

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wow ACTUALLY DREW A HALLOWEEN ART ON THE DAY OF? WHAT MIRACLE DID I DO? Yeah But I just really wanted to draw and fighting over WoL...

해피 할로윈~ 늑대 히카센 두고 다투는 악마 에메트와 뱀파이어 그라하 티아 영업합니다~

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Translated 's comic into EN! Used Paint to edit it so it's nothing fancy...enjoy Lahabrea's secret(?) taste??

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