

(Since_Sun, Jul 30, 2023)

フォロー数:347 フォロワー数:478


Herman Melville
'Benito Cereno'

Edward McKnight Kauffer
Illustrations [1926]


1 6


'Benito Cereno'
Herman Melville

[J. L. Borges]
'Benito Cereno' continues to generate argument.There are those who judge it the masterpiece of Melville and one of the masterpieces of literature.There are those who consider it a mistake or a series of mistakes.

1 6

Ja fa força anys vaig fer unes fotos (que fins ara no he trobat) d'aquest vell camí empedrat...

2 8


Lluèrnia 2021
The festival of Fire and Light
Olot _ Spain

Fiat Lux.2 _ Installation
Antoni Arola


1 2


Happy 🐋

'Moby Dick'

Book Cover
Sergey Shikin

4 17


Monday 🐋

Moby Dick
Captain Ahab's Face

by Weslev Lin
Concept Artist

1 10


Ἰωάννα γυνὴ Χουζᾶ

Joana de Cusa
Joanna, wife of Chuza

[ acrylic on wood panel _50x50 cm. ]

0 2


Moby Dick Character Designs

Aaron Blaise
[Animation Feature Film Director, Animator, Concept Artist & Wildlife Artist]

3 14


Happy 🐋

'Moby Dick'
Book cover _ 2017
by Charles Manalt
[Marseille, France]

1 16



For Hate's Sake
Justin Gerard Illustration
'Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.'
[Moby Dick]

5 15