

dedicated fnaf and fnaf book fan (my main acc is @AllysonBReid this is just an account where i mostly ramble (about fnaf))

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:244

i just love that he does a fucking peace sign when hes about to get arrested

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need more content of these guys so badly

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aaaaaaaa * headcanons him as akoi because i am akoi and i must self project *

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the last one i just talked about but it was where the mouse's design was updated to look like this. there was just red glasses shoddily scribbled onto the design that turned into sunglasses for some reason

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and now this is what my krita document looks like

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and then i saw it at another angle but for some reason THEY WERE ENTIRELY FILLED IN LIKE NOW THEY WERE SUNGLASSES

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and now i wanna talk about my dream i had where this guy's design was updated to look like this. and i mean it LITERALLY looked like the glasses were just scribbled on

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