

EN/ID | somehow digital artist | MegaMan freak | random shit n rants in 🇮🇩, don't like my content feel free to unfollow | commission close 🙇‍♀️

フォロー数:293 フォロワー数:420

Even Megaman has multi-ship (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) which one pf the ships would you like to get sailed?

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Mbikinnya pake emosi. Bukan karena mikirin dramanya, tapi gara2 letop lelet kek siput. Siput bahkan lebih cepat dr pd letopku. Padahal msh banyak eksperimen yg pengen kucoba, tp ysudalah 😔

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GGTG 😭 ganteng-ganteng tukang gigi

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Yang dahulu saya pikirkan.. 🤧😭

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Now that's more intimate

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There's this foreign person from outside country asking me to join projects with em. Unfortunately, I lack on the resources, devices, time, and motivation. Also lack of confident. And social anxiety kicking me. And many stupid trivial things. So I rejected it. Geez, what a waste

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Have you forgiven yourself?

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Dark Boy Sabata from Boktai! ಠ‿ಠ

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