

Fan-curated companion Twitter feed with the PuyoQuest wiki on PuyoNexus. The official handle is → @puyoquest

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Gegege no Kitaro x Puyo Puyo Quest Collaboration summary portal on PuyoNexus wiki: https://t.co/nGArRtYSZJ

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[Gegege no Kitaro x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab]
[★6] Mana Inuyama (犬山まな), [★6] Medama Oyaji (目玉おやじ) and [★6] Ecolo ver. Enma Daiou (エコロ ver. 閻魔大王) revealed in collab site update

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[Saint Seiya x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab]
[★5] Seiya (星矢), [★6] Goddess Athena/Saori Kido (女神アテナ(城戸沙織)), [★5] Cosmorisu (小宇宙リス)
revealed in official collab site

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[Saint Seiya x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab]
[★6] Pegasus Seiya (天馬星座の星矢) revealed in collab special site

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[Sailor Moon x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab, 2nd]
[★5~6] Hotaru Tomoe (土萠ほたる) revealed in official site and press release

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[Sailor Moon x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab, 2nd]
[★7] Sailor Moon (セーラームーン) revealed in collab special site

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[Power Pros x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab] Akio Yabe (矢部明雄), Manager Lemres (マネージャーのレムレス) revealed in exclusive press release with 4Gamer

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[Power Pros x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab] Subaru Hoshii (星井スバル), Player Ecolo (エコロ選手) revealed in exclusive press release with Gamer

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[Power Pros x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab] Mizuki Tachibana (橘みずき), Players Yu & Rei (ユウちゃん&レイくん選手) revealed in exclusive press release with Famitsu App

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[Power Pros x Puyo Puyo Quest Collab] Susumu Ikari (猪狩進), Player Suzaku (スザク選手) revealed in exclusive press release with GAME Watch

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