

HI, I'm a french and I love drawing women's boxing fights.
My pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/62055
My deviantart: deviantart.com/empyre4
Commision 0/3

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:714

Emi decides to toughen up in the face of her humiliating defiance Milena tale. The problem was that she didn't want to stop when Helene told her that she was badly hurt but she didn't want to hear anything. (https://t.co/nSq5C9M3Lc)

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Loly Lumbrock finally has the right to his official presentation image. She is ready to fight. Now it's up to you to go to the ground.(https://t.co/FSe4riNma4)

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New version of my sculpture of Helene Sor of one of my boxers. she now has shorts is a t-shirt. Colors are provisional

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Here is Petilil in a girlish version. 2 trainer are capturing their 6 pokemon at the end of facing each other in a pokemon fight (https://t.co/PZMClgNeYL) and shyni version. she is shown by professor chen(https://t.co/eEPKZKiORi)

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At the start of the day Loly had to train in his school for the sports courts. The sport of the day is boxing. The problem was that she did not have the same level as the other student. Is in a sparring fight she made a carnage.(https://t.co/4pQyUqtyrm)

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Here is Ralts in a girlish version. 2 trainer are capturing their 6 pokemon at the end of facing each other in a pokemon fight.

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Fight between Camille and Mila in the school. Camille mistreats Mila. Mila does not even manage to defend herself any more she only takes the blows while Camille has the era of being still perfectly in shape. Mila won't manage to win this fight.(https://t.co/P9SfDhrCw4)

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I created this animation to make you pleasure. on behalf of my boxers who very much appreciate those who support them and appreciate them.(https://t.co/BMv9a7wQzk)

Discord Server: https://t.co/pxBIkQNPna

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