

Frances | she/her | SCAD SeqA 2018 | Find me on tumblr or bsky instead. Same @

フォロー数:820 フォロワー数:13907

Mildly nsfw Frances I didn't intend to color, but can't resist coloring nice clothes

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Time for your daily dose of gay Dishonored garbage no one asked for!

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Have I ever made a self-insert: Frances! We have the same name, and her appearance is pretty much an idealized self-portrait. Yes, monster arms are ideal.

She's still the character I relate to the most, though she's become her own thing rather than just my RP avatar

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Oldest and youngest:

Abyssal is tens of thousands of years old. Demons tend to stick around.

Sable is...I haven't decided. Probably around eight years old. (I don't have art of her human form but she looks like a little girl with big amphibian eyes)

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An OC I've killed: Does it count if they didn't stay dead?

Esther exists because I was real attached to an old RP character who got offed. Morgan ends up undead because she messed with high level blood magic she wasn't prepared for (and made some powerful enemies along the way)

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Would I consider myself "nice" to my OCs: Uhh....

....yes? Yeah, absolutely.

(gore lol)

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Weirdest OC: WOW I really don't know. Maybe Dr. Worms? She seems to at least be confusing, because her whole concept is kinda gross and thus people tend to assume she's evil. (actual good art in the middle there by ! )

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Fav oc ship: THATS SO HARD. Uhh maybe Morgan and Maar? Always here for monster girlfriends

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Villain OCs: P L E N T Y. Most of my OCs would probably qualify, but here are some the ones who are also antagonists: ISO, Abyssal, the Baron, Artemis Forthright

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Oldest OC: Eric (and Sax)

Not actually that old, because I didn’t really have characters til the end of high school (five-ish years ago). I should redraw him some time. He’s never as chunky as I remember

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