

Marine Engineer , firefighter officer
هاوي للعملات الرقميه
التكنلوجيا الحديثه البلوك جين

フォロー数:512 フォロワー数:1857

My MVA Astro Alpha
Xdrink v1 made by luhan
Xdrink v2 made by ugly bros

18 44

Hey , I think our Vechain NFTs undervalued and you have the Chance to be a part of our community and the holder of the blue chip in Vechain NFTs ecosystem join us and discoverd what we have and what we will build in the metabers world with our nfts

4 15

Heeey MVA Members show me your favourite Ape [ alpha , fusion , fusion 2 , elementals , phoenix ]

5 27

Hey guys the contest for the commission for fusion gen2 king has been ended and I chose 4 commission for you to have vote in discord of in channel all the best

9 25

The Treed 5 gift will be in Vesea discord it will be
1 phoenix
2 og Kong
3 Kong 2.0
4 Kong 2.0
5 Kong 2.0
To be involved in the gift follow the rule and all the best ❤️😍🤙👋

9 24

Second 3 gift will be in world of v discord it will be
1 fusion 2.0
2 phoenix
3 og Kong

13 23

This monk know in my bag
Rank 43
Monk clothes
Dogg tags

15 56

Welcome to my collections

17 89