

Lauren, 24, disaster lesbiab, plural. she|they ✨ Without love, it cannot be seen

フォロー数:170 フォロワー数:8311

this is the energy i want to bring to life. this pose right here

4 27

it's a crime capcom refuses to use this godlike character design again. she deserves her own game

9 78

this is still one of the cutest pieces of art i've seen in a while

look at him, he's so happy

22 110

the new gbf event has a woman who's horny for sharks so really it's the best event ever

4 31

Im a nonthreatening feminist boy, come talk to me on Skype! talk to me on skype about your problems as a woman i sympathize i’m taking womens studies. I took women’s studies I know what ‘systematic’ means. Man I’m so horny today. Sorry. I’m sorry. I feel so bad. I just

38 133

i Amn just........... a litle creacher. Thatse It . I Canot change this

167 505