

I just rather not

フォロー数:240 フォロワー数:155

Oi galera!!! Me chamo Malta e Eu To Tentando. Bora conversar!

17 56

There's a lot of shit in the world, but there's also a lot of good
is still streaming, at about 41 hours now, to raise money for a trans charity, !

link of the stream:
Help if you can!

3 6

Olá! Podem me chamar de Malta, faço várias coisas que nem eu consigo definir direito, mas acho que ta ficando bom aos poucos hahaha

3 20

latest video about the housing crisis was 100% pandering to all my interests so I couldn't help myself

4 66

Oi!!! Me chamo Malta e eu tenho que aprender a desenhar fundos hahaha, juro procês que eu sou de boa, bora conversar!

32 122

Backgrounds are /hard/

0 5

That's my weekend look every weekend

1 4

BGs are hard and i basically ignore their existence ops

1 5