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9.) Fi'Ah

An angel of the High Order. They are soft-spoken and rarely speaks their mind. They are particularly attached to Rie'Ma. Despite being a member of the Order, they are a secretary of sorts, often the one in charge of carrying out menial, non-violent tasks.

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8.) Cor'Brin

An angel of the High Order. She doesn't talk much, but manages to get along well with her fellow members. An assassin-type warrior, she's able to control her shadow to subdue unsuspecting opponents, proving to be a powerful member of the Order.

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7.) Rie'Ma

An angel of the High Order. A sweet and collected individual, she's loved by her fellow Order members. While she doesn't partake in combat, she is highly intelligent and serves as the Order's strategist.

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6.) Ma'Wafu

An angel of the High Order. They are mischievous and rather lax with their responsibilities. Enjoys messing with Pesca'Ra. They don't enjoy fighting their enemies directly, considering it a pain, but when they do, their weapon of choice is sheep shears.

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5.) Pesca'Ra

The newest angel of the High Order. Cares about rules and justice above all else. They're somewhat socially inept and easy to mess with. Fighting Rurubell and La'Bell gives them a thrill. Simply beats things up with his bare hands.

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4.) Pozo'Boo

Claire's guardian angel. He cares deeply for Claire, and encourages her to warm up to other souls. His wit and brotherly personality makes him quickly become friends with La'Bell when they first meet. Started going by "Poz" after Claire gave him the nickname.

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3.) Claire

A fellow soul like Rurubell. Her deadpan expression makes it hard to read her mood, and she was rather standoffish at first. However, as her outer shell becomes broken she is shown to be a supportive and loyal friend. While she was alive, she was a famous singer.

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Happy You like comics with black leads? What about TWO black leads?! What about two GAY black leads?!?! 😳 If so, follow me for developments on my upcoming fantasy-action webcomic, By Your Mercy Divine!

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