

Shitposts and panels related to various comics and characters.

フォロー数:165 フォロワー数:5200

Fun fact: Captain Atom has had the longest comic book run of any of the Charlton characters DC purchased, and has appeared in the most animated shows/movies (to my knowledge)

23 402

DC’s strength has never been a “shared universe” to me. I quite like when creatives just get to go nuts in their own space (probably why I read mostly Black Label stuff from them nowadays).

19 198

I just think they’re neat

21 117

She’s been very much underutilized and deserves her own comic imo, and she’s also had quite a few different designs over the years.

Which Nightshade costume is your favorite?

12 117

An entertaining duo in multiple contexts

9 132

Vic rocked the mullet imo

I’m not saying it’s a look that *should* come back, but if it did…

30 173

I wish Tim Drake being a Ted Kord fanboy was brought up more

28 178