

Nuria | Spain | +40 | Compulsive fanfic reader & cheesy artist
❤️Escaflowne / DrStone / World of Warcraft / FFXIV / MHA (BKDK)
💀Paciencia, disciplina

フォロー数:411 フォロワー数:399

También está disponible en español ❤️

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Happy birthday to best girl Nobara Kugisaki! ✨✨#JujutsuKaisen

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Postcards: I've received 6 postcards, numbered. I can't complain at all about the illustrations 😍😍

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I can now remember these three top moments where I cried non-ending fat, sad tears 😭😭

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Byakuya Ishigami: *exists*
Byakuya Ishigami: *sends message to his son*
me: *cries*

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❤️ No me extraña que estos tres sean los preferidos, aunque admito que extraño más intervención de Senku, Kohaku y Chrome como al principio.

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Wooo thanks for tagging me 😭💕✨
These are my current:
- Phone wallpaper
- Song I have on loop - Lost in Paradise (AKLO)
- The 7th picture in my phone's gallery
A bit embarassing lol

Tagging anyone who wants to follow! https://t.co/Oe23aSnSjY

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