

She/her | Fan artist | 20 years | WoF, WCats, & Cosmere | Less rambling on Insta | PG13 (nsfw dni plz) | Legally obligated to rt Hollyleaf art

フォロー数:200 フォロワー数:540

Y’all really making Glory bring out the sign??

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The way Netflix has just kept digging itself into a hole over the last couple weeks is beyond me 🤡

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My take on the protags from River! Haven’t read it yet (so no spoilers plz!) but excited for the release

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The Pokémon!Three all together:

Lionblaze as electric/fighting, Jayfeather as psychic/steel, and Hollyleaf as dark/poison

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Dark/poison type Hollyleaf. She intends to weaponize those deathberries

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Fan art for the Maggot Belly MAP hosted by because I really like his Mapleshade spider design

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Here’s a Brindleface to lighten up the mood with her fluffiness

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A Light in the Mist spoilers!//
also blood warning for the 2nd photo//

Rootspring my baby I’m sorry. Mama Violetshine says no more diving into the water of doom

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Designed the Starless Clan trio! Sunbeam, Flamepaw, and Frostpaw

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