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フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:24607

Gaius, Frederick, Robin & Tiki don swimsuits for a summer Summoning Focus! There's a new Paralogue, new quests & daily Orb bonus!

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Ylissean Summer banner is coming soon! Checkout these datamined assets for the upcoming special banner!

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Get a chance to summon one of these eight Heroes featured in the War of the Clerics Voting Gauntlet via the Summon banners! ♪

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To prepare for ver. 1.5.0, scheduled maintenance will take place during the following period: 6/26 at 4PM (PT) ~ 6PM (PT).

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Have you challenged Illustrator Kozaki Yusuke's group of Heroes in the 5 available special maps?

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Starting 5/19 at 12AM (PT) Lloyds Grand Hero Battle will start! Here's his map, good luck on recruiting him!

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Only a couple more hours left on both summon banners! Make sure if you want these units you get them now.

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The grand hero battle featuring Narcian ends in a couple hours! Make sure to recruit this hard to obtain ally!

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