𓆝 Erza Aulia Rachman 🎨🔮🐿️🦚🧟‍♀️🍂🔨📜☔さんのプロフィール画像

𓆝 Erza Aulia Rachman 🎨🔮🐿️🦚🧟‍♀️🍂🔨📜☔さんのイラストまとめ

holo ID Fish Guy 🐟🦈🐠.
All about Aquatic Life, Holo ID, Fishing, Paleontology, and Monsterverse. Expect tons of these stuff from me.

フォロー数:2132 フォロワー数:1961

berhubung Iofi suka reptil, jadi kepikiran bikin ginian. Sama-sama alien sih mereka

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Selamat atas 400.000 subsnya Moona :)

(pict is not mine, my friend ask me to put his fanart on my twitter account. Credit to Shamus Reyhan)

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