Today is a special day. Happy birthday Synergia, happy birthday Cila and Mara, and thank you everyone for your support throughout this year. Thank you so much!! ❤️
Unfortunately due to budget constraints I can only afford to make half the sprites for Synergia's DLC, Sunrise. From now on all sprites will be floating chibis instead and you'll have to pay an extra 30$ to get the full body characters. I hope you understand.
Rumour has it that there is an interpreter who defected from the expedition corps and ripped his sister from his back to give her a free life. Now they both wander the dark tunnels.
I need to decide which style The Last History Book will use. I think I prefer the small pixel art spites but I'm not sure. Please vote in the poll to let me know what you prefer.
Old workers who have deserted their duties as builders. Now they have dedicated themselves to the Expedition Corps, using their old tools to wreak havoc among the horrors inside the tunnels.
Warriors with unwavering morale. They lend themselves as a distraction, luring enemies and dodging their attacks to cover their allies. Their accuracy and speed also make them extremely lethal in close quarters combat.
Humans with no genetic modifications who undergo the toughest training to serve as support for the other soldiers. Due to their unmodified natural skill, they can continue to provide support even under the worst conditions.