

🌟🤍🔸I draw and animate🔸🤍🌟

フォロー数:2143 フォロワー数:8354

The other brother with the kitchen utensil name

250 784

Expanding this trigun stampede a Christmas carol au with the rest of the cast as the ghosts of Christmas (I’m so obsessed with this idea)

24 118

it became a “Knives appreciation” collab

14 67

🍊On behalf of Tricord and aggie/io doodle dump discord, we want to thank the staff and creators at Studio Orange for making Trigun Stampede possible!

(See more below ⬇️)

170 585

Pre-doodles from the aggieio drawpile today. I wanted to draw the brothers after seeing the new trailer TvT

60 226

//major spoilers??

My trigun doodles during the art collab thanks to for hosting~

I had sm fun gushing about two of our fav animes together again (and other things!)

5 35