Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf 🌏 🦣さんのプロフィール画像

Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf 🌏 🦣さんのイラストまとめ

Professor of Physics of the Oceans & Head of Earth System Analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Public speaker. Dad. Opinions my own!

フォロー数:285 フォロワー数:160864

We have had resonance conditions for a planetary wave with wave number 7 during the past week, with large wave amplitudes. Think meanders in the jetstream. This Leads to simultaneous heat waves in different areas of the Northern hemisphere. Graph shows tropospheric winds.

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Die Weltmeere erwärmen sich - im Atlantik schon bis über 2000 Meter Tiefe hinunter.
Alles über die Weltmeere in der im World Ocean Review (verständlich & auf Deutsch):

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“So, wir sprechen jetzt mit Dr. Jenkins vom Nationalen Gesundheitsinstitut über die Ergebnisse seiner dreijährigen Studie. Und dann, für eine andere Position, reden wir mit Roger hier, der offenbar zum gegenteiligen Schluss gekommen ist indem er auf dem Sofa saß und spekulierte.”

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The heat dome over northwest America is just a part of a planetary wave number 4 pattern going around the whole northern hemisphere. I.e. 4 red areas with northward alternating with 4 blue areas with southward air flow aloft.

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This 'cold blob' is another climate model prediction come true, and in the models it's due to human-caused AMOC decline. A discussion of various pro and con arguments (as of three years ago):
(The image of observed SST trends is from IPCC AR5.) 7/11

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Just out: our new paper affirming the unprecedented slowdown of the Gulf Stream System (aka Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, 𝗔𝗠𝗢𝗖) in Nature Geoscience! A thread. 1/11

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Another climate science prediction is happening: the Gulf Stream System (aka AMOC) is slowing down - with implications for our weather. Read my commentary on new studies:

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We've all seen these graphs. I liked it too, at first. But at second thought it has two problems.
1. Wrong proportions, which seriously downplay the
2. A "solution" that we can't possibly want.

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It's been Europe's warmest winter by far, beating the previous warmest winter, 2015/16, by almost 1.4ºC. Details:

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