

3️⃣1️⃣. He/Him. Asexual. Nintendo player, sports and animation fan. MapleStory Bera. MK8D. Splatoon3. ACNH.

フォロー数:974 フォロワー数:571

In honor of final episode this Friday, I'm going to be watching one episode per season. My favorite episode in each season. Keep in mind these are just MY favorites. Seasons 1-25. I'll be updating this thread as I go through them.

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Those that weren't on the old ones. I needed to make sure they got some acknowledgement and appreciation too.

12 77

What are your TOP 5 episodes of the 22nd season of the Pokemon anime series? Also known as Sun & Moon - Ultra Legends.

Note: Only asking for season 22, or SM093 (Lillier and the Staff) - SM146 (Thank you Alola! The Journey Continues).

Answer in reply or QRT.

1 3

What are your TOP 5 episodes of the 13th season of the Pokemon anime series? Also known as Pokemon: DP Sinnoh League Victors.

Note: Only asking for season 13, or DP158 (Regaining the Home Advantage) - DP191 (Memories are Made of Bliss).

Answer in reply or QRT.

1 1

What are your TOP 5 episodes of the 12th season of the Pokemon anime series? Also known as Pokemon: DP Galactic Battles.

Note: Only asking for season 12, or DP105 (Get Your Rotom Running) - DP157 (Gotta Get a Gible).

Answer in reply or QRT.

1 1

What are your TOP 5 episodes of the 10th season of the Pokemon anime series? Also known as Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl.

Note: Only asking for season 10, or DP001 (Following a Maiden Voyage) - DP052 (Smells Like Team Spirit).

Answer in reply or QRT.

1 2

What are your TOP 5 episodes of the 5th season of the Pokemon anime series? Also known as Pokemon: Master Quest.

Note: Only asking for season 5, or Episodes 210 (Around the Whirlpool) - Episode 274 (Hoenn Alone).

Answer in reply or QRT.

1 5

One of the things I found most amusing about Shamus was he names his team the "Fire Warriors" like they're a sports team. It made him quirky. Sure, what he did is awful, but he's too dorky and fun to hate; it just made me like him.

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Headcanon: Shamus is a student of Juniper. She finds out what he's done and suspend his trainer license and have him go through rehabilitation (community service/therapy) b4 getting his Fire Warriors back. But he'll be able to see them at her lab.

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Appreciating how Max can hug Pikachu without getting shocked.

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