

So sorry!
It seems this page has been norted.

(I've jumped to another plane where Xehanort has less reach. Want to visit? Check out the portal.)

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Daily Josh 2021: Day 5

Now, a break in twewy cosplays because holy heck this design made me drop all my plans. This Joshua just barged in like "Draw me. NOW"

Is it bad that I pulled an all-nighter for this? (Yes. Yes it is.)

92 240

twewy spoilers //

Daily Josh June 2021: Day 4


71 245

Daily Josh June 2021: Day 3

Daisukenojo Kiryu.

71 189

Had a go at 's theoretical NTWEWY Josh! It's such a good design, I couldn't resist. Thanks for letting me draw him!

139 355

Long hair Josh attempt

91 281

A semi-quick Joshua from today. Week 2, everybody!

41 107

I had to jump on 's art challenge asap if only to cope with the fact that my hair does not glow like this irl
Thanks for the challenge! I'm always game to work on my rainbow glows. I'm never satisfied with them. I'll figure it out someday

79 152

Sorry for the reposts (and bad cropping) but since they're still taking submissions and don't seem to mind multiple submissions, I'm sending in some Joshua appreciation

45 119