

She/they. 30. Walking Gay Disaster™ Hellaverse, SK8, CR, & more
Writer- #WhenWeMeetAgain
18+ acc @rainbowopandas
Pfp: @railwynn
Header: @hntrgurl13
Ko-fi ⬇️…

フォロー数:670 フォロワー数:2890

Ahhhhhhh!!!! drew one of my hellsona's for me! It's been a while since I got any art of my almost-overlord oc Maribella XD
I love her so much ( I mean I hate her bc she sucks but this art of her is amazing 😍😍😍) Thank you Rae!

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*hugs this close*
Still one of my fave bday presents 🥺💕

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It was so hard just to narrow down to these ones XD I also love all your oc work too!

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What a fuckin SQUAD

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Jokes on you
By posting this tweet you have already outed yourself as a monster fucker

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This is everything and I've wanted it for years and I love them so much you don't even know 🥺❤️💚
The show creators and the comic artists are really out here giving these beautiful doctor gf's the romance they DESERVE

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sending you big hugs and also this reference of my succusona Nell

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I'm a dandylion poof bc I like makin wishes

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