

フォロー数:1129 フォロワー数:4298

oh right theres a wobbly line version too!! i just couldnt put an image with a gif because of arbitrary birdsite features. :)

13 95

dammit i did it again
gonna start making music some day just so i can justify the stockpile of cover art i've accidentally built up ': )

4 51

aw drats u got me... i'm actually just really fast at pixeling suspiciously 3D-position-accurate pixel art

0 4

doe deer shows up fashionable and late ; )

0 43

bonus vibes ~=v=~

0 31

oh my. i'm really starting to feel a vibe here. :eyes:

18 100

today on 'everything raine makes looks like an indie album cover'

27 169