

Icon by @1chiKen_SOLO

plays games and complains about them, then draws his complaints in videos.

フォロー数:245 フォロワー数:383

11. Ubisoft: Rayman

The second most obvious one on this list.

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10. Interplay(???): Bub and Bob

I honest to god do not know what Interplay has made outside of Fallout and Earthworm Jim. Says they developed some version of Puzzle Bobble though, so I'm just taking the Wild Card on this one.

So uh, Puzzle Bobble

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9. Bandai Namco: Yuri Lowell

Bamco was a 5 way tie between Agumon, Klonoa, Ms. Pac-Man, Don-Chan, and Yuri Lowell, and out of those 5, Yuri is the most handsome.

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5. Sega: Arle Nadja

Puyo Puyo has left an outstanding impact on my life recently and I feel like it would just be silly for me to want anything other than Arle.

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3. Valve: Chell

I think the more popular choices are Gordon or Heavy, but I think incorporating the mechanics of Portal into smash would be incredibly fun. I'd also take Atlas and P-Body, though Chell seems a little more fitting.

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1. Capcom: Phoenix Wright

Capcom has a lot of high profile franchises and all, but I just think it'd be really goofy playing as a lawyer in Smash Bros.

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because of how my content works i end up getting locked with "Raio" artwork. like just art for the videos and nothing else.

when i get burnt out i like to do some more personal content, like OCs, game ideas, stuff like that. sometimes it's hard to balance the two haha.

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some shitty artist interpretations

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shoutouts to for this beautiful fucking image based on a 1 minute doodle i made to express my love for genshin's gacha.

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I drew this in MS Paint with my mouse to satisfy the masses. the characters are just about what I'm expecting right now regardless of memes.

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