

21 | they/he | little boy in big boy clothes
art only: @raisezellart

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:212

fuck the argument look at the teef 🥺🥴

0 4

based on the yellow wrist band I’m assuming Murrit took this photo which is freaking proof that Murrit gets off the island GOOD DAY GOOD SIR >:DDD also laivan uses windows 10

0 6

vast error team this composition is incredible

5 21

in conclusion, dismas trans masc xoxo gossip girl

0 14

(sidenote: when weird al kills abusive Godzilla dad instead of dismas, he is fucking /pissed/ he couldn’t do it himself he’s shaking with rage and flushed in the face)

0 6

sistar sistar!!! never knew how much i missed ya

7 18

>([you still breat#in baby?]

19 57

please g*d let them be soft 🥺😢

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