

I don't even know anymore.
APOLOGIES for all the art I said I'd do but didn't. Feel free to remind me because my brain is scattered!


フォロー数:2599 フォロワー数:420

they are my comfort inferiority complex blue-themed boiz

1 3

valentines day?

1 8

KEYLIME but the "lime" part is silent. can eat a whole hog leg but is shy about it. doesn't like fighting

0 3

nebbish goblin

0 6


0 16

haha I guess there is a reason I'm being handed over to a team of psychs rather than just 1. 2 much to handle
badum tss

0 1

vivian doodle i found

7 43

one of my fav things is going through my art canvases because i run into shit like this

0 10

I never got around to finishing his summer skin concept but I'm still fond of it so I'm sharing akjfdhsgsg

0 6