TheSims@Forsaken Boneyard❣さんのプロフィール画像

TheSims@Forsaken Boneyard❣さんのイラストまとめ

Sing Hallelujah to the Lord🇭🇰感覺隨時會被凍結
每次見到熟悉的名字, 都想講一聲: Love You All
Please do not forget HongKongers #StandWithHongKong 無言フォロー失礼します

フォロー数:800 フォロワー数:619

Many peoples are unlawfully intervened in arrest by the Chinese regime. Like the 12 HongKongers now detained in China nearly 80days. There is no law or justice! World cannot stand by as China commits horrific human rights abuses!

11 27

The has been taking away our freedom ever since 1997😞
If CCP rule is so great, why does most of the leadership have insurance policies through foreign passports? Those villains who wantonly violate human rights & freedom must be sanctioned internationally

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