

True Comics Outlaw. The 209's Own. #dubnation Community College Dropout. Former Future Farmer of America. #NickDragottaArmy. he/him. Host of @flentallo

フォロー数:1955 フォロワー数:10146

somehow never knew that Tom Cruise personally asked Rob Liefeld to draw a Mission: Impossible cover. Cool to see two goats coming into the same orbit

10 97

This is the hardest fit ever. Its wild that this is how kevin smith thought he looked for several decades

0 33

Watching How To Murder Your Wife. Jack Lemmon is a playboy comic artist who gets drunk and marries an italian which turns is life into a living hell so he wants to kill her. Toth did some neat promo art for the movie

7 44

watching a classic film about one of the lost great american past times.

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This dude built like joe rogan on stilts lol god bless

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Almost feel bad for jim. Genuinely sweet guy in all interactions ive ever had with him. Piskor ducking accountability is not surprising. He seemed happy to share it. Even put a little popcorn emoji like he knew it would be a "thing".

8 85

Bad take. Anyone who kills this many cops is a superhero in my eyes

18 144

are you illiterate? i said i was praying for a bus to hit you. a love bus.

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