

overeXposed (XCOPY) and UnderTheGAN (early AI) collections…
The Doomed DAO

フォロー数:835 フォロワー数:7479
# newpfp

1/31 Our special guest today is 🧠
He's not only a GP at , but also a mastermind behind Strategy & Growth at 🥽Bharat is also a top-notch NFT aficionado! He agreed to share his story and insights, so let's buckle up and get ready to dive in!🧵🚀

61 347

37/ J: If you could only keep 10 pieces from your current NFT collection, which ones would you choose?

V: 2 punks, an Autoglyph, Fidenza Ringer, Squiggle, Gazer, "last selfie", Lost Robbie and my

3 46

16/ So how programming that is in general predictable can create unpredictable artwork? We can call it a “guided randomness''. Guidelines rather than an exact description of what will be created. Using randomness very selectively and very carefully by the artist.

4 32

gifted by and to all toadz holders! ♥️😎👀💪

3 82