

my life was consumed by gacha games and vtubing

フォロー数:183 フォロワー数:393

I finally got a UR I was saving for in this game (without spending money) it only took exactly 1 year before it happen.

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last ten pull before I reached the pity copy of Umi I knew this would happen. when I saw there was a UR there wasn't a doubt in my mind it was umi. but that's ok, now I got her limit broken so she is better. would have been nice if it happen sooner and not on my 245th pull...

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finally got a nico UR with the free UR you get for the event.

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I drew passionlip in the new gacha, don't judge her she seems nice(?)

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I watched liz and the blue bird, as you might guess there were a lot of bird metaphors.

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in the words of Emily Wow!

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