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Is it really problematic of me to want a happy ending where they get together? 😭
Blind Play is giving me Killing Stalking and Interview with a Murderer vibes more than The Beast Must Die… so it will probably end with the serial killer ML dying…
Can anyone help me understand The Beast Must Die’s ending?
Who’s the one talking in the last speech bubble? And why’d he quote the Numbers 32:23 bible verse? Will they really end up as a tragedy in the future one day?
I’m pulling my hair out in frustration here…
New Times New Hell reading thread~
Literally laughing out loud every single chapter, feeling giddy about every small interaction of the cp, and anticipating what next absurd plot point the author comes up with. And I’m just at chapter 15 🤣
I mean most of my fave novels are in other genres, but only these novels actually got me really really immersed into the story itself.
I would still like to believe that Kang Moo does love him but just not in an emotional sense. The fact that he’s committed to Kirin for the rest of his life proves it.
The plot twist is that Kirin is actually the one in charge and Kang Moo is the one helpless against him