

raphire.artstation.com raphire.deviantart.com pixiv.net/en/users/65080… Freelance illustrator open for commissions. I main Voldo in SoulcaliburVI.

フォロー数:422 フォロワー数:961

Blacknight is one of my favorite characters in Arknights! I've been waiting for this skin since August last year-- sketched this out at the time. It's finally going to be out in the game, so here's the finished piece.

p.s. if they make Slumberfoot plushies I'll totally buy them

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It'll have to be these two--"The Yeast Beast and the Well-Bread Girl" and "Taki from Soul Calibur" Literally night and day hahaha

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Here's a fanart of Volume and Brid from Nikke taking shots :D


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Hello everyone, here's a sketch of Volume from Nikke that's actually part of a larger piece that'll be colored when I find the time to do so :D I'm planning to put Brid in the other part of the picture! I can't decide so suggestions for the second character are welcome!

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Hello here's an even mix of some recent and older work!

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Hey everyone! Here's more art and context on Pointe, my OC:

She belongs to an underclass genetically and socially engineered to be nocturnal to serve as the night shift wage slaves of the Edifice.

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Here's a character sheet for my OC Pointe-- her profile and such will be up on her dedicated account Her design will continue to be updated as the story is fleshed out so keep an eye out :)

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This time round I'm posting some stuff I didn't get to show on here :)

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