

Psycho + Cheesy Artist + Design Player = raviolilee /fanbook:raviolilee /instagram:raviolilee

フォロー数:47 フォロワー数:5736

【Artbook】Dracula.Lee / My lord. No Re-edit / Repo with Cr cited pic

299 187

【=。=】old pic done in 2011. moe moe^^;;;;; No Re-edit/ Repo with cr cited

30 18

【Artbook】 New Soul. Keep Going. No Re-edit/ Repo with cr cited ^^;;;;;

150 80

【140601】One Night in Shanghai No Re-edit/ No Repo ^^;;;;

99 53

【140601】One Night in Shanghai No Re-edit/ No repo ^^;;;;

33 21

【6th】#6YearsWithSHINee No repo and No re-edit^^;;;;

19 8

【6th】#6YearsWithSHINee No repo and No re-edit^^;;;;

11 10

【0511】With You-7 No re-edit/ Repo with Raviolilee logo cited^^;;;;

17 11

【0601】Support for tour in Shanghai: Fan*1000+Mini Artbook*278 (free gifts with ticket checking) ^^;;;;

12 4

【Artbook】sleepless night _ part.3 -Why So Serious? No re-edit/ Repo with Raviolilee logo cited^^;;;;

73 42