✨ Megan ~on hiatus?~ 🦜 ✨さんのプロフィール画像

✨ Megan ~on hiatus?~ 🦜 ✨さんのイラストまとめ

🦜 Illustrator, Wildlife Educator, & Bird Nerd
💖 Birds, Dinos, Dragons, & Beasties!
🌸 Closed for commissions
✨ she/her

フォロー数:513 フォロワー数:374

Had no idea Gigantspinosaurus existed til today so I HAD to draw it. SHOULDER HORNS!

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A Saltasaurus, not to be confused with Assaultasaurus.

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Primary-colored Olorotitan says, "YEAHHHH IT'S FRIDAY! HONK!"

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One of the coolest, spikiest dinos around: Kentrosaurus! Small, but feisty.

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A wrinkly Amargasaurus. Did he have boney spikes or a sail on his neck? You decide!

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On a bird kick for the Tweet Storm! Here's the nocturnal and ground-dwelling kakapo from New Zealand.

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More birdies for the Tweet storm! This time, a hoatzin and her chicks. The babies have wing claws!

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Reconstruction of “Dracorex hogwartsia,” literally meaning “The Dragon King of Hogwarts.”

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Threw some colors on this. Here's Kronosaurus eyeing Ichthyosaurs though really they'd nom on other beasties.

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