

It's me, RC: Artist & Pikachu Enthusiast // 28 (On hiatus.)

フォロー数:746 フォロワー数:35258

I hope Miss Sonia PocketMonster is having a good afternoon

396 2202

Bringing these back for a second, would you like to see merch made of these (and things in this style)?

144 832


209 1005

Earliest digital art I can find (2014) vs Recent art (2021)

the grind was grueling and arduous but I finally got my swag up

27 297

🦔(why is there a hedgehog emoji)

418 2614

On this week's , there will be no weed but you better be prepared to get smoked on the basketball court

144 670

wanted to give the PSG style a try again

633 3080

No thoughts, head empty

1049 6019

Tia's my favorite but there are a lot of other good elephant villagers!

79 441