

Art and stuff
h: @kiirokumart

フォロー数:142 フォロワー数:36852

"Yes, quite~"
an idea from someone on discord

58 671

Trying my best then vs trying my best now.
Seeing the progress I've made over the last month as I refine my style made me happy. Hard work paying off

5 115

Current WIP, looking for any criticism to help make it better. First thing I've noticed is to make her fringe longer

3 46

A spot of light reading (´・(ェ)・`)

166 1142

Tried doing a one layer painting, not a process for me, so not doing another (๑╹◡╹)

4 54

getting bullied by amelia during a mk8 race

0 18

Yukkuri shiteitte ne~! Amelia and the girls for the - transparent versions cause twitter no like

3 116

Random personality and random colour palette character design. Things go her way, or you go away permanently.

2 17

Congrats on 500k subs~🧡

71 790

"Whaddya mean the bread isn't free!?"

136 1001