

dm to submit / all memes stolen from their original creators

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:350156

fone bone phoney bone we were led to this map by the ultimate providence this my friend is the workings of capitalism

30 517

sad ant walking away with bindle on a stick disappointed and unwanted

4221 37371

chimp monkey saying wow

118 1691

frustrated guy ripping out hair or skin on head crying

688 7195

muscular moustache man in hat pointing I’m gonna have sexual thoughts about that

1697 25321

jotaro kujo jojo’s bizarre adventure gun to head watch this

1297 11582

patrick handing you clown nose you dropped your nose you fucking clown spongebob

167 2285

tails exasperated frustrated look tails gets trolled

254 1893

lion with hands on hips

445 3958

three wikihow dogs having a bad time depressed stinky thirsty

929 6649